LANGUAGE:English, German, French
TURN ON:My name is Emilia, and I just love treats! As soon as I try something delicious, I immediately fall in love with the taste and cannot stop. I love not only sweets, but also a variety of snacks, appetizers, cheeses and fruits. For me, every meal is a real holiday, because I always try to choose only the most delicious and high-quality products. I have my own list of favorite treats!
TURN OFF:For me, mornings have always been a challenge. Every time the alarm went off, I wished for another five minutes of sleep. Even the sun's rays penetrating through the curtains seemed too bright and piercing to me. For me, the beginning of the day has always been some kind of incomprehensible test that I preferred to put off until later.
ABOUT ME:Hello! My name is Emily, I was born and raised in beautiful France. I am only 18 years old, but I have already visited many parts of the world. My passion for traveling began since, when my parents took me on trips to different countries. I always felt alive when I was in a new place, surrounded by unfamiliar streets, smells and experiences. I love communicating and meeting interesting people. After all, every new acquaintance brings something unique and inimitable into my life. Thanks to travel, I learned a lot about other cultures, traditions and customs, and this only fueled my desire to learn even more. Traveling makes me happy, it makes me richer inside and enhances my life experience. I am a passionate believer in the power of travel to change the way we view the world and ourselves. And I want to continue on this exciting path to be more open, tolerant and ready for new adventures. I look forward to new travels and amazing meetings!Here I am looking for new friends!!!