LANGUAGE:English, German, French, Spanish
TURN ON:What I enjoy the most is feeling connected to nature and the world around me. Whether it's a walk in the fresh air, bird watching, or just soaking in the tranquility of the forest – all these activities bring me immense joy. And I absolutely love the moment when my videos resonate with my audience, allowing us to discuss interesting topics together.
TURN OFF:What really upsets me is injustice and dishonesty. I can’t stand when people deceive each other or show a lack of respect. Another thing that deeply concerns me is the indifference towards environmental issues. I truly believe that each of us can contribute to protecting nature, and it bothers me when people ignore this fact.
ABOUT ME:Hi, my name is Barbara, and I come from the beautiful country of Latvia. I’m 18 years old and currently studying to become an environmental scientist at university. From a young age, I’ve always been curious and loved learning new things about nature and the environment around me. This passion led me to choose a career in ecology because I genuinely care about the future of our planet. Besides my studies, I absolutely love vlogging. It started as a small hobby when I first picked up a camera and tried filming a fun video with my friends. Now, creating entertaining content has become an integral part of my life. I enjoy sharing my experiences, thoughts, and just good vibes with my followers. My videos are diverse – from funny challenges to eco-friendly projects. Ever since I was a, I have been known to be friendly and kind, as my friends say. I easily connect with people, always ready to offer advice or just listen. Being kind and compassionate is not just something I say, it’s